Training Design & Development

Price: $1444.95

Course Format

10 Online Modules
Office hours:
Pass/Fail (78%)
Course Access:
365 Days/ 7 Days per Week/ 24 Hours per Day
+1 415 692 0121 (Business Office);
Certification Program:
This course is one of two courses needed to meet the requirements for Certified Diversity Trainer credential completion. Each course is certified by LLC. The International Association for Continuing Education and Training has accredited LLC.

Course Overview

The course is designed to develop your ability to create high-impact training modules. The goal is to give you the best practice tools to design cost-effective training modules to develop competencies effectively. The course emphasizes cultural diversity training, but the skills can be applied to any training. There are two parts to creating cultural diversity courses: Training design and training module development. The instructional design relies on skill, discipline, experience, and creativity. Training implementation focuses on facilitation skills provided in a separate DELA course offering. Using the tools and steps provided in this course, both the experienced and novice trainer will find that the work can be done easily and even more enjoyable. The development phase involves creating the instructional materials and evaluating quality assurance to ensure a close fit between what you intended in the design and the actual product contents. In this course, you will learn to:

Diversity Certification Training Goals

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • The phases of training design and development
  • Apply the phases to designing and developing diversity training.
  • Apply basic analysis techniques to identify organizational cultural competence gaps for targeted training.
  • Identify the resources needed to get training up and running.
  • Prepare participants for training rollout.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the training

Diversity Certification Training Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the diversity and inclusion strategic planning process
  • Develop a rationale for the diversity & inclusion plan
  • Construct a Cultural Diversity Balanced Diversity Scorecard
  • Employ what was learned to develop a strategic plan

Online Course Experience

[youtube'v=avOyx4dz83s] You apply what you learn in the course. The instructor consistently provides feedback based on your course project objectives and learning goals. You may request a meeting with the instructor to receive individual coaching and support. The training program final project you develop reflects your learning from the course.

Technical needs

  • Computer with high-speed internet access
  • Access to the online meeting platform (Please try this at least two days before the first lecture/discussion session to manage any technical difficulties beforehand).
  • Telephone access (preferably with earphones)
  • MS Word (Do not submit files in pdf, please)