DTUI Started the Diversity Certification Revolution in 1998
DTUI Offers the Most Diversity Certification Programs
DTUI Trains You to Do the Work & Provides You With Credentials

Diversity Certification Scholarship Application Form


We know that it is not always possible for talented and dedicated professionals with the potential to afford the cost of certification training. That is why we established the scholarship program. We do not offer full scholarships

We know that it is not always possible for talented and dedicated professionals with leadership potential to afford the cost of certification training. That is why we established the scholarship program.

  1. Fill out and submit the form in the area below.
  2. Get an ebrochure by clicking this image.

Keep in mind that we do not offer full scholarships. In our years of experience, we have learned that offering the training at no cost results in poor attendance and commitment. It is unfortunate but makes sense in hindsight. People do not value something that does not cost them anything as much as when they pay for it. Think about how much you are willing to pay on your end when you are requesting a scholarship in this application.


Good luck with the scholarship application. Do not hesitate to use the Contact Form located on the website menu to ask questions. You can also give us a ring.