Strategic Initiative Project Management

Price: $1294.95

Course Format

Course Overview

When a project or initiative is introduced in an organization, the plan needs to be effectively managed on both the technical side and the people side. The plan's development, design, and delivery constitutes the technical side. The goal is to ensure the initiative is effectively conceived and promises to deliver results. Project management provides the structure, processes, and tools to make this happen. The people side focus is on ensuring that the organization's members are effectively on-boarded, which means that they embrace change, adopt the behaviors needed to effect change, and begin to smoothly perform their work in ways that differ from what was previously expected. The discipline of change management provides the structure, processes, and tools to make this happen. In combination with change management, project management aims to increase the likelihood that projects or initiatives deliver the intended results and outcomes. This course aims to provide participants with a framework for creating an engaging, collegial, and inclusive workplace. By the end of this seminar, you will have learned: ' Awareness of appropriate project management behaviors ' To identify the critical components needed for successful project management ' To expand their repertoire of formats and scheduling methods.

Diversity Certification Training Objectives

  • Increase awareness of appropriate project management behaviors
  • Define a project and establish a scope
  • Plan and control a project
  • Identify the critical components needed for project management at each stage.
  • Develop a personal action plan for project management.

Diversity Certification Training Goals

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • List appropriate project management behaviors
  • Explain a project and establish a scope
  • Plan and control a project
  • Identify the critical components needed for project management at each stage.
  • Develop a personal action plan for project management.

Technical needs

  • Computer with high-speed internet access
  • Access to the online meeting platform (Please try this at least two days before the first lecture/discussion session to manage any technical difficulties beforehand).
  • Telephone access (preferably with earphones)
  • MS Word (Do not submit files in pdf, please)