Managing Inclusion & Belonging

Price: $1444.95

Course Format

9 Online Modules
Office hours:
Pass/No Pass
Course Access:
365 Days/ 7 Days per Week
+1 415 692 0121 (Business Office);
Certification Program:
This course IS ONE of two courses needed TO complete the Certified Diversity Trainer credential requirements. EACH course IS certified BY LLC. The International Association FOR Continuing Education AND Training has accredited LLC.

Course Overview

A series of employee engagement surveys conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) of the United States federal government identified four inclusive management habits. They are referred to as The New IQ. In this program, you will increase your understanding of inclusion and the challenges of managing cultural diversity in organizations based on the New IQ. Diversity management techniques and practices with a track record of success will be introduced and practiced. This interactive online course focuses on developing the competence needed to manage cultural diversity and inclusion in organizations.

Diversity Certification Training Objectives

  • This course is designed to improve participants' competence in the following areas: Understanding and describing the challenges of managing cultural diversity and inclusion in organizations.
  • Valuing and recognizing the benefits of diverse worldviews in supporting workplace productivity and collegiality.
  • Evaluating behavior and performance, especially as it relates to workplace contributions.
  • Understanding what is needed to retain, motivate, and promote staff from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Increasing awareness of biases, identifying personal, and reducing biases that result in exclusion.
  • Learning inclusive behaviors to work effectively with culturally different individuals.
  • Learning practical methods for overcoming barriers to inclusion and belonging.
  • Intervening effectively in situations that involve potential exclusion.
  • Applying inclusive behaviors to accommodate the needs of people who are culturally different.
  • Learning effective ways to promote capitalizing on people's different talents.


  The experiential and interactive training focuses on developing inclusive intelligence awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills used in the workplace.

  The participants are engaged as professionals with considerable experience managing people and dealing with cultural differences. The course supports the development of next-level competencies.

  The training honors and recognizes the need to balance the views of both the privileged and historically excluded participants in order to achieve sustainable inclusion and belonging.

  The workshop is for participants seeking to increase their effectiveness in enhancing communication and productivity in a culturally diverse workplace.

  The facilitator(s) guides participants in their efforts to learn how to increase their inclusive intelligence.

  Complicated cultural collisions in the workplace are clarified, and skills for navigating cultural collisions are practiced.