High-Impact Diversity Best Practices

Price: $1444.95

Course Format

TO Be Assigned
10 Online Modules
Office hours:
Virtual sessions of 1 HOUR twice weekly
Final Grades:
No Pass (<78%)
Module 1-10 (Online/Virtual)
+1 415 692 0121 (Business Office);
Certification Program:
This course IS ONE of two courses needed TO complete the Certified Diversity Trainer credential requirements. EACH course IS certified BY LLC. The International Association FOR Continuing Education AND Training has accredited LLC.

Course Overview

A diversity best practice is a program, process, or technique generally accepted as the best-known solution for addressing a cultural diversity and inclusion problem. This course explores the most common diversity best practices to understand what makes them worth considering and how to determine the best practices that suit each organization's unique needs. It is the easiest way to determine what needs to be put into place to show D&I-related progress and increase brand identity and market success. This course is designed and developed to give you sufficient insights into implementing each practice covered. Putting the work into completing the assignments will certainly help. The complementary course doesn't have any feedback from an instructor, which participants receive in the full course.

Diversity Certification Training Goals

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • Highlight the importance of making a case for the use of specific cultural diversity and inclusion best practices rather than copying what other organizations are doing.
  • Provide insights into how cultural diversity best practices play an important role in managing diverse talent.
  • Develop an understanding of what cultural diversity recruitment and other best practices entail.
  • Develop an appreciation for the importance of cultural diversity mission and vision statements.
  • Support participants in the development of a cultural diversity best practice plan. Upon completion of the course, participants will: Compare and contrast strategies for assessing organizational D&I needs regarding diversity best practices. Apply the tools needed to implement diversity programs that meet the unique needs of a company. Differentiate best practices employed by organizations that have created highly successful internal diversity strategies and innovative solutions.

Technical needs

  • Computer with high-speed internet access
  • Access to the online meeting platform (Please try this at least two days before the first lecture/discussion session to manage any technical difficulties beforehand).
  • Telephone access (preferably with earphones)
  • MS Word (Do not submit files in pdf, please)